The Studio

Sleepless Studios is a PC/Mobile game development studio headquartered in Sparks, NV. We strive to make great games that you can play OVER AND OVER again! Our first release "Potion Popper" is available now on the Google Play Store!

The Goal

To make a game that is replayable with good depth and progression takes a lot of understanding. That's why we keep ourselves playing games as much as making them. The best way to understand gaming and keep your "hand on the pulse" is to keep gaming!

Our goals with our games are guided by a few key pillars. Let's take a look at what guides Sleepless and why we do what we do.


Any great game is replayable! Our biggest inspiration here is definitely the Diablo series. We have been big fans for a long time and still somehow end up binging Diablo 3 every year around the holidays.

This aspect of our games is extremely important as it creates an opportunity for us to keep making content for a single game instead of dropping it and moving on to the next. The more care and time involved with a game, the better product we can create!

This translates to our fans in the form of long term support for Sleepless' games and consistent new content to play with!

Player Focused

The second pillar is Player Focus. This is huge for us because we never want to lose sight of what's important, bringing happiness to our players! Every decision we make in our design phase needs to serve the player in some way. This leads us to a lot of nice "Quality of Life" features and means we are constantly testing to ensure the game feels fun!

What this means for our fans is that we tend to have a great understanding of what the community wants! Our Patreon supporters even have a dedicated Discord server where you can make suggestions and even be a part of testing!

Thought Provoking

Lastly we hope to make our games provoke thought. This doesn't have to be deep or reflective all the time but we want to get your ideas flowing! What kind of ability combos will you use? What items or strategies may serve you best on this level? Is your character a fighter? Or more of a treasure hunter? 

These are the kinds of things we want our players thinking about! Games are great tools for keeping your brain active and playing the right games that make you think/strategize makes all the difference!

What this means for our players is depth, and lots of it! We want you to have so many combinations to play with that you can play the game 1000 different ways. The only limit is your creativity!

Now having a better understanding of the studio, lets take a look at the people.

The People

Colin and Rachel on the way to Yosemite National Park!

Sleepless Studios was founded in 2021 and continues to be ran and operated by Colin Correale(programming/music) and Rachel Kollar(2D/3D art and direction). This power couple does it all including design, functionality, art, music, the whole nine yards!

Although we had no experience or background in the industry, we found how fun it was to create and bring our ideas to life and haven't looked back. We hope to bring lots of games and happiness to our fan base for many years to come!

We recently released our first fully featured game "Potion Popper"! We also have another release coming soon!

Love Our Work? Connect With Us!

Twitter: Colin -

Twitter: Rachel -

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